Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum

Joseph Von Hammer-Purgstall

The Brotherhood of Knights Templar convicted of apostasy, idol worship and impurity as Gnostics, indeed Ophites, from their own monuments

Editing, Endnotes, and Introduction (Meet Mete)

Tracy R. Twyman

Mysterium Baphometis RevelatumMysterium Baphometis Revelatum Translation Meet Mete

Editing, Endnotes, and Introduction
Of the First English Translation

Latin original first published in:

Fundgruben des Orients (Treasures of the Orient),
Volume 6,
Vienna, 1818

   Treading in these footsteps, we have made a matter of public knowledge both the history of the Assassins and the... “secret, confidential” ... dogmas of the Templars, and how (at least as far as the symbols are concerned) like a Phoenix rising from the flames they most certainly were resurrected in the Order of Freemasons. Plainly we know how to move forward through fires set beneath deceitful ashes, and we perceive how to take a chance on something replete with danger, so that what lay concealed for seven centuries we might undertake to reveal to our readers, that is, the origin of Baphomet.

 From Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum Preface, Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall

  The essay's first English translation from Latin written by Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum, first published in Vienna 1818; with Introduction and Endnotes by the occult researcher Tracy R. Twyman.

  As the anniversary of the October 13, 1307 mass arrest of the Knights Templar in France looms near, American occult researcher, Tracy R. Twyman has announced that she has, for the first time, traced the real origin and meaning of the blasphemous idol that the Templars were accused of worshiping in secret ceremonies: The Baphomet.

  Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is an important Latin text translated that has been frequently referenced but rarely read by researchers on the subject for over 200 years. In this old text, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum (The Mystery of Baphomet Revealed) by Baron Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall, the author claimed to have discovered a number of idols and other artifacts on former Templar properties, the imagery of which allegedly sheds light on the heretical secret rites and beliefs of the Templars.

  If that interpretation is true, these would seem to have included child sacrifice and Devil worship, along with wild orgies of pederasty and bestiality.

  This translation led Tracy to the discovery that two of the artifacts mentioned in Hammer-Purgstall’s book (items long thought by some writers to be lost to history) have in fact been sitting unnoticed in the British Museum this entire time... and the rest in the book Baphomet: Secret of the Temple Unveiled.”

  From the occult author's own words:

   “In my opinion, Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum is, in addition to being a study of history, also a piece of history itself, and is history’s most important document pertaining to Baphomet, aside from the Templar trial documents themselves... This is because... while the story of Baphomet (as an entity under that name) may have begun with the Templars, it really developed as a concept mostly since Hammer‐Purgstall’s time, under his influence, both directly and indirectly.

   "[F]rom my own experience on this project, I do believe that this text, the images, and indeed the entire subject matter, is cursed. I have had... frankly the worst luck of my life, while studying the subject of Baphomet for the last sixteen years, especially whenever I tried to focus on the Hammer‐Purgstall translation in particular. .. [I] have even have a term we have coined— “the Fog”—for the mental confusion, inertia, and weariness we felt overtake [me] whenever [I] sit down to work on it. ..The curse of Baphomet strikes again!"

   "…I think the curse on Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum was intended to prevent anybody from getting as far as I have with making sense of this particular text, and from publishing it. If you are reading this, then that means the curse has failed, and maybe, with the help of the benevolent deity (however he may be identified), this demon guardian has been destroyed."

    So please, carry on, dear seeker, forward and beyond!" 

          Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum: Editing, Endnotes, and Introduction (Meet Mete): Content

     * [ENDSAY]

          Meet Mete: Content

  • Joseph von Hammer-Purgstall
  • Mete
  • Ophite Gnostics
  • “The distinguished charity of Mete”
  • Birth of Mithras
  • Biscione
  • OTTO
  • Sea Monster
  • St. George
  • Al-Khadir
  • Oannes
  • Enoch
  • Nicae
  • Douris Cup
  • The Arch of Hysteria
  • Golem
  • MNSY
  • Winged Fascinus
  • Hermaphrodite
  • Chinon Parchment
  • Black Mass
  • Baptism of Fire

• July 8th 1822

        Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum:  Content


 I. On idols called Baphomet
  I. Greek Inscriptions II.
  II. Latin Inscriptions III.
  III. Arabic inscriptions
  Inscription No. 13 (See Tab. I, fig. 5)
  Inscription No. 14 (On a very large marble bowl. See Tab. II, fig. 1.)
  Inscription No. 15 (in the little book of curiosities)
  Inscription No. 16 (From the little book of curiosities, II. 6. b. c.)
  Inscription No. 17. (borrowed from Gentleman Magazine)
  Inscription No. 18. (Tab. I, fig. 13)
  Inscription No. 19 (Tab. I, fig. 7)
  Inscription No. 20 (See Tab. I, fig. [3 or 4])
  Inscription No. 21. (Tab. II, fig. 11)
  Inscription 22 (Tab. II, fig. 9)
  Inscription 23 [Tab. II, fig. 5 and 15]
  Inscription No. 24

About Bowls

III. On sculptures existing in churches of the Brotherhood of Knights Templar
  1. The Schoengraber Church
    Lower Series
    The Upper Series
  2. Church of the Templars of Waltendorf
  3. Berchtolsdorf Church 4. The Church at Altenburg
  5. The Church of the Village of St. Martin in Szaladen
  6. The Prague Church
  7. The Egra Church

 IV. On the Doctrine of the Ophites
  1. Silver Gilded Coins from the Gadollian Collection
  2. From the Moczyano Treasury
  3. Coins Found in the Ruins of the Templar’s Monastery at Waltersdorf
  4. From the Coin Treasury of Bretfeldiano
  4. From the Coin Treasury of Gotvicensis
  5. From the Schoenfeld Museum
  6. Coins Borrowed from Tablets of the Dissertation by Maderus
  7. From the Writings of the Bishop of Seeländ on the Germanic Coins of the Middle Ages

VII. On the Concord Between Accusations Against the Templars and the Similar Ophitic Doctrine

• JULY 8TH 1822

Mysterium Baphometis Revelatum

  On one of these caskets I found what I consider to be the signature image, because it shows a horned idol (just a torso and a head, like the old “herm” statues that used to protect orchards in Greece) being given the osculum inflame on his posterior by a kneeling worshiper who also fondles the statue’s genitals. I first saw this image in a book that talked about Purgstall-Hammer’s work, but couldn’t find it in Purgstall-Hammer’s actual book. If I hadn’t found the casket myself in the museum I wouldn’t be sure that it existed.

     Tracy R. Twyman

Al-Bustani v. Alger et al
 Case Number: 3:22-cv-05238
US District Court for the Western District of Washington
17 U.S.C. § 501 Copyright Infringement 


Tracy Twyman and Tracy Twyman Estate are not affiliated with the parties of 'S. B. Alger', 'S. B. Alger Studio', 'James Maiden', nor 'Weaving Spider Web'.

Please be advised that the parties above are not hired nor endorsed by Tracy Twyman Estate.

Absolutely the parties above do not, nor their statements do represent Tracy Twyman nor the estate in any form.

The presumed association of the parties above with Tracy R. Twyman's image is fraudulent and did necessitate a legal action from Tracy R. Twyman Estate.

Nor the parties listed, are equipped with the sufficient intellectual capacity and necessary culture, nor do demonstrate a history of such, as the moral character is lacking, to postulate valid public "statements" regarding Tracy R. Twyman body of work, and "statements" regarding the histories of the late Tracy R. Twyman life and career.

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(as demonstrated and "religiously" against the late Tracy Twyman and her Estate; with the never ceasing acts of maliceful defamation, accusations, tarnishing of Tracy R. Twyman reputation, and especially her Estate's reputation for perpetrators own benefit or in accordance with their "system of beliefs")
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